6 Reasons Your Gym Should Offer Personal Training for Seniors

Are you looking for a source of increased revenue for your fitness business? Look no further. The age of senior fitness has arrived. As baby boomers enter their retirement years, they represent a huge marketing opportunity for personal trainers and gym owners all over the country.
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Reasons Fitness Centers Fail - How to Avoid Them

Here's a sad reality. Businesses fail every day. In the fitness industry, estimates are that eight out of 10 gyms will close within the first five years. Here's another reality. It doesn't have to happen to your fitness business.
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Selling Exercise For Stress Relief

The human body is a fascinating thing. On the one hand, we need stress to stay sharp and maintain physical health and mental focus. On the other hand, too much stress causes the opposite effect, namely, physical, mental, and emotional decline.
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3 Ways the AccuroFit System Can Help Your Fitness Business Revenue Grow

Competition in the fitness industry is fierce. Since you opened your fitness center, you may have noticed several competitors springing up seemingly out of nowhere. However, according to Expansion Capital Group, four out of five gyms go out of business in their first year, and 16 out of 17 close their doors within eight years.
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How Will Your Gym Manage Gender Identification Issues?

The fitness industry is facing an increasingly complex set of issues. In times past, managing risk for your fitness club largely entailed making sure that safety measures were in place to prevent injury to your employees and club members. While that is still a valid aspect of risk management, there are other risk factors which must be taken into account today.
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Wanna Work Out? Or Would You Rather Have Fun?

One of the more challenging areas of gym ownership is retaining the members you already have. While you may have a few serious, hard-core fitness fans, for the most part, your members may suffer from occasional lack of motivation to get fit.
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Take the Routine Out of the Fitness Routine

Of all the challenges that fitness club owners have, the one that is often the most troublesome is the steady exodus of gym members over time. While January's membership stats may look pretty darn impressive, by July the membership list has often dwindled down to a pitifully small number.
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Why Are You in the Fitness Business?

It is time for a reality check. Why are you in the fitness business? Before you say "because I want to help people get fit", think again. After all, technically you could give away your expertise in physical fitness for free, if your motives are only to help people. The truth is you are in the fitness business to make money.
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