Top Exercise Offerings to Increase Member Longevity

By Aaron Eisberg

As the owner of a fitness center business, you are, of course, interested in the health and well-being of your gym members. But you are also interested in the health of your business. Happily, health in both areas can be achieved by offering the type of fitness activities that promote health and longevity in your members.

Tennis tops the chart of heart healthy exercises, according to a recent study.

British Study Highlights Best Exercises for Longevity

The British Journal of Sports Medicine published the results of a recent study of 80,306 adults. The study was designed to examine the associations among six different types of exercise with all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality risk among participants.

Over the course of nine years, researchers tracked activity for the participants and how that activity affected longevity, first in general terms and second with regard specifically to cardiovascular health.

While many studies have documented the positive health benefits of following the recommended levels of exercise, this study sought to determine which types of exercises were most beneficial in terms of overall health and heart health specifically. Among the participants of the study, only 44.3 percent met minimum exercise recommendations.

The average age of participants was 52. Over time, 8,790 of the participants died and 1,909 of them died due to cardiovascular disease. The Los Angeles Times reports: "The risk of death was not spread equally, the researchers found. Compared with people who didn't get enough exercise, those who met the minimum standards were 27 percent less likely to die for any reason and 28 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease during the course of the study."

Types of Exercise that Produced Increased Longevity

The six specific types of exercise studied were: running, cycling, swimming, aerobics, tennis, and soccer. So, how did these exercises impact study participants? Here is the rundown of the results, in a nutshell:
    • Participants that engaged in tennis, badminton, or squash were 47 percent less likely to die of any cause during the study and 56 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease.
    • Swimmers were 28 percent less likely to die of any cause during the study and 41 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease.
    • Participants who engaged in aerobics were 27 percent less likely to die of any cause and 36 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease.
    • Cyclists were 15 percent less likely to die of any cause during the study. Interestingly, however, there was no discernible reduction in the risk of death caused by cardiovascular disease.
    • Similarly, runners and those who engaged in soccer or rugby did not receive any measurable boost in longevity from these activities.

Ensuring Longevity of Members Also Ensures Longevity for Your Fitness Center Business

What lessons can you take from the results of this study? How can you use this information to bolster your fitness center business?

First, it is essential to ensure that you are offering members the education they need to make appropriate exercise choices. Are you providing education on the recommended exercise levels for all members of your fitness center?

Second, it is important to provide the right type of exercise opportunities to your members. Have you structured your group fitness classes to accommodate different segments of your fitness center community? Do you have classes for exercise newbies as well as advanced classes? Do you offer aerobics classes for young people, those in their middle years, and seniors?

Offering aerobic exercise classes like Zumba can increase member longevity.

Third, it makes sense to choose equipment for your fitness center that encourages heart health and overall fitness. The AccuroFit family of products is specifically designed to encourage cardiovascular health in your members. Why not download the catalog and take a look at all AccuroFit offers?

The Bottom Line

The more you provide the right fitness center environment to promote member health and wellness, the more likely your members are to remain with you over the course of time. You can meet the dual goal of improving the lives of your members and increasing the longevity of your fitness center business by offering solid education about fitness, offering the right classes to encourage a healthy lifestyle, and providing the right equipment in your fitness center. Schedule a demo of the AccuroFit system today and help your members get on the road to longevity!

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